BA (Hons), MBA, PGCE (FE), PGDip SpLD (Dyslexia), CCET (Level A), AMBDA, Patoss. Practising Certificate: Patoss 500001894-IF4671


Specific Learning Difficulties, such as Dyslexia, are precisely that. Individuals affected have an uneven assessment profile often with significant areas of strength as well as areas of relative weakness. In a school setting they represent the 'puzzling' children... they may express themselves clearly orally, but find it difficult to express themselves on paper; they may struggle with reading and spelling, or possibly only with spelling; they may have difficulty remembering instructions and maintaining focus in lessons. In some individuals arithmetic is affected as well.




Created and Built by: Graham's Office

Diagnostic Educational Assessments for Dyslexia and Related Specific Learning Difficulties ....